Monday, February 17, 2014

Welcome Students and Parents

Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am currently a student at Emporia University, in the elementary education program. I am so looking forward to having a class of my own and getting to know each and every one of you. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My ideal grade level would be second, third, or fourth grade, but I will gladly teach any grade level. When I was in elementary school, English was my favorite subject and I still love it. Now that I have gotten older, I also look forward to teaching other subjects. Interestingly enough, I am looking forward to teaching the subjects that I didn't care for as a kid (math, science, and history). As a future teacher, I am excited about these subjects because I will make them fun to teach, and hopefully in doing so, they will be fun to learn. Who knows, maybe I can influence other children who didn't like these subjects either. :) I have not always felt the calling to teach; I thought I wanted to make more money than teachers make, and not spend the money I do make on things for my students or a classroom. Kids have always been drawn to me though, and I have always enjoyed interacting with them. In high school I took a class that involved observing classrooms, and getting a very basic feel for what it might be like to be a teacher. I thought it might be okay, but I still wasn't sold. As I got older, I really started enjoying spending time with kids even more. I started to nanny, and realized that I really wanted to teach. Yes I loved playing with kids, and coming up with fun games and adventures, but what really got me excited was helping them with their homework. When I spoke to the family, I found out what areas each child was a little bit weak in. From there I found and created fun activities for them to practice that skill. I helped a third grade boy who absolutely hated reading, and wasn't particularly a strong reader, to both enjoy reading, and improve his reading fluency and comprehension. That was an amazing feeling, and that's when I really knew teaching was for me. :) I know teaching will not be easy; I know teaching does not pay a lot of money. But I really love to help people feel confident about themselves. I love helping people reach their goals and celebrate their accomplishments. These things are more important to me than money; these things feed my soul. I hope each and every child leaves my classroom a smarter and happier kid than when they first walked through my door.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, finding success with even only one child, give you the strength and encouragement to keep at teaching. You will do well as a career teacher given your feelings above.
    Dr. Foyle
